Final Math 3 reflection
This class this year has been a really good experience for me. I was worried that this class was going to be too easy for me considering that I had taken this class before last year. That turned out not to be the case. While the content was nothing new to me, this class helped me to concrete the ideas I learned last year into my mind. I struggled a bit with algebra 2 last year and some of the concepts we learned, I didn’t understand completely. Now though, I feel very confident in the skills I have learned over the past two years. This class was very helpful in getting to proficient with all the math concepts I will need.
This class did have a lot of work to do in it and that was a struggle for me. I think sometimes I felt like I didn’t need to be doing the work so I would let it pile up. Then I would get stressed out. Balancing this class with other classes, was something that I needed to learn to do. I think by the end of this year, I have definitely achieved that and I feel better about my ability to manage workload.
I feel very prepared for the upcoming year of senior math. I think that I have all the tools in my toolbox to be successful. I’m looking forward to continuing my math skills and learning more. This year has really strengthened my math skills and made me better at the foundation of math. I look forward to using the skills I’ve learned this year to tackle the problems ahead of me in math 4!
This class did have a lot of work to do in it and that was a struggle for me. I think sometimes I felt like I didn’t need to be doing the work so I would let it pile up. Then I would get stressed out. Balancing this class with other classes, was something that I needed to learn to do. I think by the end of this year, I have definitely achieved that and I feel better about my ability to manage workload.
I feel very prepared for the upcoming year of senior math. I think that I have all the tools in my toolbox to be successful. I’m looking forward to continuing my math skills and learning more. This year has really strengthened my math skills and made me better at the foundation of math. I look forward to using the skills I’ve learned this year to tackle the problems ahead of me in math 4!
Dave And Penny
In this project we were given the freedom to study whatever math content we wanted and created a project around it. I decided to study the Pythagorean Theorem because I think it’s such an important math concept. With my research I decided to write a children's story to explain this complex concept in a simple way. I wanted to explain this concept because I think it’s important for everyone to learn about it and know how to use it.
I enjoyed this project! I thought it was fun to look more in depth to a topic that I was interested in. I enjoyed the freedom of the project. Being able to individualize a project makes it more excited to do. I have always had a keen interest in the Pythagorean Theorem mostly because it shows up in so many places in math. I had fun looking more in depth and learning more about this interesting topic. The freedom was the best part of this project.
If I could refine this project, I think I would look for more structure in the design of it. While I loved the freedom, I wish that there was more structure to the actual process of creating the project. I would like to see some clear steps and deadlines to help us get along. Maybe some guidelines about the expectations from the project. I would keep letting us choose our topics but give us specific guidelines about what is expected.
The most interesting thing that I learned through my research, is how truly versistial the Pythagorean theorem can be. The most interesting use of it that I learned was in geometry finding the area. There are many different ways that you can use the Pythagorean theorem to find area. From circles to squares, the pythagorean theorem can be very useful. I have used this theorem in so many different ways but this was definitely a new one for me. I was excited to see how I can use it in a new way.
I enjoyed this project! I thought it was fun to look more in depth to a topic that I was interested in. I enjoyed the freedom of the project. Being able to individualize a project makes it more excited to do. I have always had a keen interest in the Pythagorean Theorem mostly because it shows up in so many places in math. I had fun looking more in depth and learning more about this interesting topic. The freedom was the best part of this project.
If I could refine this project, I think I would look for more structure in the design of it. While I loved the freedom, I wish that there was more structure to the actual process of creating the project. I would like to see some clear steps and deadlines to help us get along. Maybe some guidelines about the expectations from the project. I would keep letting us choose our topics but give us specific guidelines about what is expected.
The most interesting thing that I learned through my research, is how truly versistial the Pythagorean theorem can be. The most interesting use of it that I learned was in geometry finding the area. There are many different ways that you can use the Pythagorean theorem to find area. From circles to squares, the pythagorean theorem can be very useful. I have used this theorem in so many different ways but this was definitely a new one for me. I was excited to see how I can use it in a new way.
On PAtrol
This is my favorite POW that I did this semester. I think that I really excelled at it and I had a good time doing it!
Final learning from the semester
I would say this has been a very successful semester. While had learned a lot of the content we learned this semester, it helped me to solidify it in my brain and understand the concepts better. I also learned a lot about time management this semester. In the past, I have not always used my class time very effectively and that has led to me having homework or being stressed. This semester I have had to work on using the time I am given effectively in order to keep up. I think this is a very valuable skill to have because time management can be really important. I’m glad I learned it now. I think I have reached my goals for this semester. I wanted to fully understand the content we learned and create work I was proud of and I think I achieved that. I hope that I can keep up this mentality for next semester.
planning platforms
I am really proud of this POW! This is the first POW that I’ve done that I got right away on my own. I usually need help from peers which isn’t bad but it felt nice to get something on my own. This POW was enjoyable for me as well because it made me feel accomplished and confident in my own ability. Sometimes I struggle to be confident with myself in math but this POW helped me to be more sure of my ability
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How many rats?
This POW taught me a lot about how to get up when you have failed. The first time I did this POW I was so sure I had solved it and that I was done solving it. I was really proud of myself because I solved it so fast. It wasn’t until I started my write up that I realized I was very wrong! This bummed me out but I learned from it. I approached the problem in a different way and found my answer. Sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed. That is what this POW taught me. It made me proud because I kept pushing through and found the answer even after failing.